The Pokédex Project is a collaborative project that aims to bring together
The Pokédex Project is a collaborative project that aims to bring together
illustrators from all over the world to portray their own version of Pokémon.
These are the first 50 Pokémon.
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#001 Bulbasaur by Reda El Mraki.

#002 Ivysaur by Reda El Mraki.

#003 Venusaur by Alekyan Konstantin.

#004 Charmander by Laís Soares.

#006 Charizard by Tommy Chandra.

#007 Squirrel by Fonzy Nils.

#015 Beedrill by Loris F. Alessandria.

#016 Pidgey by Gavilán.

#019 Rattata by Stephano Diego.

#025 Pikachu by Matheus Costa.

#030 Nidorina by Elina Novak.

#037 Vulpix and #038 Ninetales by Chan Yee Von.

#039 Jigglypuff by Cleyton Almeida.

#040 Wigglytuff by Cleyton Almeida.

#041 Zubat by Mauro Gatti.

#042 Golbat by Luis Guizado aka Guizo.

#043 Oddish by Oilikki.

#044 Gloom by Gabriela Biscáro.

#045 Vileplume by Gabriela Biscáro.

#051 Dugtrio Annika de Korte.

#054 Psyduck by Pinchepasha.

#059 Arcane by Gemma Gould.

#063 Abra, #064 Kadabra and #065 Alakazam by Geovanni Batistella.

#079 Slowpoke by Inkration Studio.

#080 Slowbro by Roman Novak.

#095 Onix by Daniel Ebert.

#104 Cubone by Jose Carcavilla.

#105 Marowak by Jose Carcavilla.

#109 Koffing by Tomas Brechler.

#110 Weezing by Tomas Brechler.

#114 Tangela by Nuria Madrid.

#125 Electabuzz by Luis Sencio.

#129 Magikarp by Seth Gale.

#131 Lapras by Lucas Suancha.

#114 Ditto by Chema Peral.

#134 Vaporeon by Patrícia Mafra.

#136 Flareon by Iryna Korshak.

#137 Porygon by Felix_勺子.

#138 Omanyte by Aren Vandenburgh.

#139 Omastar by Aren Vandenburgh.

#146 Moltres by Luis Pinto.

#147 Dratini by Marinna Coppo.

#148 Dragonair by Marinna Coppo.

#149 Dragonite by Marinna Coppo.

#150 Mewtwo by Daniela Sosa.

#151 Mew by Gui Zamarioli.
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