Heimlo proudly present our collaboration with Indonesia Mengajar in their new initiative 'Festival Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar', aims to gather volunteers to make learning materials which will help the students in Indonesian remote areas.
Kartupedia word derived from "kartu" (card) and "ensiklopedia" (encyclopedia), kartupedia means encyclopedia cards for children. Heimlo help Festival Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar in Kartupedia from concept and production to visualize 5 Kartupedia category from Invention, Indonesian Flora & Fauna, World Heritage, Astronomy, and Indonesian National Heroes. Each category has 20 different illustrations, makes kartupedia set consist of 100 cards.
13,500 kartupedia cards will be sent to Indonesian remote areas to encourage, to motivate, and to broaden the children’s knowledge. Indonesia Mengajar will send the materials produced to 126 elementary schools in Indonesian remote areas from Aceh to Papua.
Kartupedia box design

And here is the kartupedia cards!

Kartupedia posters for each category

And here is the video documentation for Festival Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar, Jakarta 5-6 October 2013 :D
And finally! Thank you for your scroll!
Heimlo give you FREE GIVEAWAY for 10 illustration from Kartupedia set :D
Here is the download link, see the link at the bottom of the post.
feel free to use it for your personal use or for education purpose.